Trail Use Update: Skijoring will be halted on all trails. Leashed dogs are still allowed when hiking/snowshoeing. However, the Winter Park Bark Skijor race is still on!

Shelters & Fire Pits

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Beyond the trails and nature, you will discover all sorts of areas to hang out, socialize, and enjoy your day at the park.

Nature Shelter and Fire Pit

This cozy 3-sided shelter is a perfect spot for a lunch date with three picnic tables and two benches. Watch for birds on the feeders, roast marshmallows over the fire, and learn some fun science facts by trying your hand at the interactive animal tracking and plant ID guessing games!  Fire starting materials are stashed on a shelf; you are welcome to start a fire if one is not already going. The Nature Shelter is a hub of activity for both humans and animals alike!

Wolf’s Den Shelter and Fire Pit

Wolf’s Den is a hop skip and a jump from the Chalet. Stop by this covered picnic table and fire pit which also features two picnic tables and benches. It’s a perfect place to escapee those chilly winds. Fire starting materials are stashed in the back; you’re welcome to start a fire if there’s not one already going.

Vista Fire Pit and Bench

This is a popular spot for skiers and snowshoers alike. Enjoy the magnificent view of Yukon Bog in the newly constructed covered bench and warm your hands by the fire. Fire starting materials are available if a fire is not already going.