3/11/25 TRAIL UPDATE: Trails closed today due to icy conditions. Ski Shop will be open today. Contact them at (715) 356-1099 with questions. Click here for the trails report.

Ice Skating

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Update 3/1/25: The Chip Wulff Pond is closed due to warm weather until further notice.

The Chip Wulff Memorial Skating Pond offers a quaint and unique way to have fun at the park and enjoy a bit of wild ice. Skate around the cattail island to experience a mini skating ribbon trail.

Bring your own skates or borrow ours! Ice skates are located in the basement of the Chalet near the ski waxing area. Please grab your skates and walk out to the pond before putting them on. Thank you!

Skating Pond Policies

Keep the pond open for all users. We ask that users not play hockey or take slap shots while others are on the pond.

We recommend that adults supervise children when using the pond.

The pond is open to skate at your own risk.

Please do not walk in skates between the chalet basement and the skating pond. Carry skates to the pond and put them on at the shelter.


The skating pond is open daily from 9:00am-5:00pm when conditions allow. The pond is free to use – donations are appreciated!