/ Posts / Membership Summer Sale Continues Through Month of August!

Membership Summer Sale Continues Through Month of August!

Did you miss the Early Bird Membership Sale in July? Fear Not!

We get it! The summer months fly by quickly and all your spare time has gone into playing in the sun, adventuring, and relaxing. Suddenly, you sense that fall is on the horizon and you haven't gotten your annual membership yet! 

Don't panic! 

We are offering another sale through the month of August. Celebrate the dog days of summer and get 7% off any 2024/25 memberships. Pick yours up today, and you'll be all set and ready to hit the trails when the first snowflakes fall this winter. Your membership donation is crucial to supporting the operation of this world-class silent sports facility. Our staff and dedicated team of volunteers work incredibly hard to maintain the trails in all four seasons with the goal of providing you the absolute best experience no matter what activity you enjoy!

Click here to become a member today

Remember, as a member of Minocqua Winter Park you receive some fantastic benefits including:

  • Voting rights in the annual Board of Directors election
  • Free admission to our candlelight events and naturalist programs
  • Access to 100km of ski and snowshoe trails
  • Access to summer hike/bike trails
  • Access to the Squirrel Hill Disc Golf Course