Trail Use Update: Skijoring will be temporarily halted on all trails. Leashed dogs are still allowed when hiking/snowshoeing. Skijoring will not be allowed during Saturday's Candlelight Ski. However, the Winter Park Bark Skijor race is still on!

Owl Hoot and Hike Featuring the Northwoods Wildlife Center

Saturday, February 8th, 2025


$10 per person / $20 per family / Free for annual members

Celebrate the majestic and mysterious nighttime predators … owls! Bart Kotarba of the Northwoods Wildlife Center will start the evening by leading a fun and fascinating discussion all about owls and birds of prey. This presentation is about an hour. Afterwards, we’ll head outdoors for a short guided hike to try and hoot for our resident owls.

Dress for the weather, we will be outdoors for about an hour on a groomed trail. Flashlights or headlamps may be worn, but we ask that you use a red light setting, or keep them on a low setting. The goal during the hike is to be as quiet as possible. This will give us the best chance at hearing owls.

The grab and go snack/beverage bar will be open during the event. We will also have an easy craft for the kids as well.

Tickets may be purchased online or at the door.

>>> Click here to purchase online

Location: 7543 Squirrel Hill Rd. Minocqua, WI

Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm